Benefits for manufacturers

Manufacturers have direct access to consumers and their consumption data. Whether they sell directly through their own site or through a distributor. Here are some examples of benefits:


Thanks to FAIRstocke, manufacturers can eliminate plastic packaging and, if necessary, recover empty bottles and/or cartons. This reinforces their sustainable image


Consumers will never runout again. They will no longer buy a competing brand because they realize at the last moment (on Sunday evening for example) that they no longer have any.

Growth and profitabilty

With captive consumers, turnover continues to increase. By selling directly, manufacturers recover part of the distributor margin.

Targeted marketing

With real-time consumption data, manufacturers can offer suitable offers. They can also go further in offering services to their customers.


Manufacturers, with the direct sell business model, can recover distributor margins. Moreover, thanks to real-time data and consumption analyses, they can anticipate production, stocks and deliveries to make others savings.


By transferring the responsibility for replenishment from the consumer to the manufacturer, FAIRstcoke is in itself a new way of consuming. In addition, thanks to direct access to data and consumers, manufacturers can offer additional services, personalized advice, support, ...

2 suggestions of business models : Direct or indirect sale - via retailers

Direct sale

Indirect sale - via retailer's

We are open to study together this business model or another.