Benefits for retailers

To be delivered, the consumer connects to his distributor's marketplace who derives a number of benefits. Here are few ones:


Thanks to FAIRstocke, the retailer can reinforce its sustainable image


The consumer becomes captive. He will no longer go and buy this product elsewhere because he will never run out of it again. This is a de facto subscription

Revenu growth

When connecting to the retailer's marketplace, the consumer is encouraged to do additional shopping and benefit from specific promotions.

Targeted marketing

The retailer can propose targeted offers to its customers.


The retailer has real-time consumption data. He can thus better plan stocks and schedule his delivery rounds.

Ceci est le titre

With FAIRstocke, the retailer makes the consumer's life easier. It is no longer the consumer who goes to the supermarket but the retailer who comes to the consumer at the appropriate time. It's a new way of consuming.

The business model


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